
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Random idea story..WIP

A/N: As it so happens, I have some unique life experience that would nicely fit within this particular prompt. It is not fair to those involved, nor is it nice to the government agency in question, but I do find it a comforting way to vent my frustrations.

In Riverside, California, CPS is not your friend.

A friend of mine really did get her very first child taken from her, three days after a c-section. She is married, no criminal record, and no drugs. The father is the same. Although the agency could have given the child to the father if there really was an issue with the mother, they instead took the child. They did not inform either parent that they were doing so, and the paperwork is flat-out wrong.

My friends are in court to get their daughter back.


"Horde of murders fight for custody of child"

While the dark haired woman stared dazedly at the ceiling, she carefully filled out the required checklist of the Department bureau, proving without a doubt to her superiors, who would likely only glance at the inane form anyway, that she had taken all the appropriate steps before being forced into action.

Noting no ring on either of the prone woman's hands, she checked the martial status as "single", which meant that there was no responsible father to care for the child anywhere around.

She glanced across the room. Resting peacefully in the corner, laying beneath special lights in a special container, like a tiny precious bauble, was the reason she, Brianna Knight, was here: a baby, just cut from the womb only three days ago. She looked to the glassy eyes and nearly disrobed state of the mother; To the bags filled with fluids that lead to the woman's arms, which guaranteed that she was completely justified in her decision.

There was no way that woman, with a torn body pumped full of drugs, could be remotely capable of taking care of an infant. She knew that quite well from all her months of training in the Department as a Child Protection Service employee, and she was certainly eager to impress her superiors with excellent performance of duties.

The final questions: "Have you ever taken drugs", and "Are you currently taking drugs" were obvious-- the woman before her had veins full of the things. Those facts alone made the next step simple as could be.

Brianna strode over to the lighted container, scooped up the child, then, simply left the room.

How was she to know that would be the biggest mistake of her life?

"However little I have left.." She muttered under her breath and sucked in her breath in the panic that she had actually spoken the thought aloud. She heard a crashing noise in the darkness, and it was close.. far too close.

Eyes wide, she crouched low, and desperately scrambled behind the broken down car, hoping that would work as a barrier. She held her breath, prayed the loud thundering she heard was only her heart, and oh dear oh no what if they could somehow hear it and find me...?

Sent via a stray supercharged nano particle of unobtainium....

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