Not every day is going to be fruitful.
This was a day in which I just had to really scrape within myself to get something down on paper. Since I had a case of the "blahs", I decided to focus on descriptions rather than much of a plot. It's a shame too. Plot-roach provided a really great open ended prompt.
Andrea's alien.
The suited man stumbled to a stop on the crowded sidewalk, narrowly missing stepping on the heels to those before him. He didn't expect an answer from anyone around him, as the street was certainly too noisy, but by long habit he could not help but swear aloud.
"What the hell..?"
He glimpsed a young man dressed in a thin green t-shirt with the word "Andrea" in scrawled white across narrow shoulders, who had stopped and, for some reason, squinted upwards. The bald head sported an incredble amount of metal bits from the ears on up, all of which were rather pointy sharp and made the suited man inwardly cringe at the pain they must have caused.
A fat lady stood next to the youth. She was smartly dressed in a pink monstrosity of a pant suit, and her neat coif did not move at all as she tentively gaped at the sky as well. The suited man was about to do the same, (partly to see just what the duo found interesting enough to stop walking, and partly to judge if it would be a something best to be avoided), when he heard the faint voice of the woman say,
"Sorry Axrat. I don't see it."
The suited man took a deep breath and scrambled around them, intent on his own business of the day.
He then saw the youth's face crumble, weighted down with disappointment.
A block down, he gave them no more thought.
Sent via a stray supercharged nano particle of unobtainium....
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