She narrowed her eyes.
"All right, now. Settle down."
Gale had to repeat herself many times. The swishing sound of shifting feet followed quite a few high whines of not being able to see. She sighed as she strode purposely towards the windows, and gently pried the taller ones away from where they had seemly plastered themselves.
She gazed out to the grey deck beyond as she shooed the children back, and saw nothing but empty planks of old wood. Whatever it was, it certainly had had their fullest attention.
She jumped at the tinny crash. It was like a cross of an overgrown bucket striking against the largest kettle drum she had ever seen in band class while in high school. Worse was the metal making a screeching complaint that had the hairs on her arms raising. She turned, eyes wide. It came from the room she had just left: the kitchen.
Without looking away from the slowly swinging door, she waved the children towards the fireplace, where a semblance of protection lay. Old Joe lazed there to defrost his bones and usually thumped his dusty tail against the hearth. In many ways, the task was like herding a bunch cats along.
A/n: still working on it. Some pieces just aren't easy.
Sent via a stray supercharged nano particle of unobtainium....
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