
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

nuclear platypus..cont...

A/N: gah! Ran out of time.. This didn't quite develop into a proper tale just yet, but it's getting there.


"And we're moving... this way, please, ladies and gentlemen.." Said a neatly dressed young lady with a tidy updo and a professionally tight smile.

George heard the echoing click of many heels against polished wood floors, and folded his arms. He allowed a few of the other to pass him by as he frowned thoughtfully before a sign. He used his peripheral vision to spot his true objective, while he pretended to read. Like all the others around the diamond, it portrayed the dread end of a previous owner.

'So tempting' thought George as he gazed hungrily at rare bauble lounging beneath the glass box. Easily the size of a large grapefruit, the diamond had been carved into a unique oval shape. His current client revealed that much at least, and that was only because George had taken the time to find his weakness: a certain beloved, and highly addictive fancy coffee.

He made some quick calculations, and glanced again to his precalculated point. The heist would be a simple thing to accomplish, by his estimation.

"Almost as though they want it gone.." He mumbled to himself a few hours later, now standing upon the barren roof of the museum. He shrugged his shoulders at the stray thought, and tightened the nylon ropes through the pulley of his vest.
Sent via a stray supercharged nano particle of unobtainium....

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