
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Perchance to dream...

Roy knew he wasn't supposed to be here, in this big fancy house. He didn't own it, and didn't pay a single dime in rent. He had found the door was open, and the place completely empty. And, well, it had been a long while since he had slept in any semblance of a bed.

He stretched and yawned the next morning, enjoying the softness of the mattress. The clean white scent of the puffy quilts piled on top of his withered body had made him nice an warm for the first time in his recent memory.

He took the time to admire the nice view of the barren wastes. He knew he was pushing his luck. Staying this long. His ears twitched and reached, but not a sound broke the peace of the place. He was the house's only current guest.

He stumbled his way down the stairs, trudging towards the kitchen. Better to leave by the back rather than the front. Bitter experience said. Less of a chance of getting confronted by outrage.

He was trespassing. He knew. And the owner had every right to be angry at him for doing so. They didn't seem the friendly sort, whoever they were.

He remembered the coiled barb wire shredding through his jeans as he scrambled over the chain link fence that surround this quaint place.

He was baffled by whoever had the notion to occasionally tack that flat metal plate on the fence at odd intervals. Those things made a lousy sort barrier from the cutting wind, and the colors with odd shapes painted upon them were fascinating to look at. Yes. For a second or two. That told him that someone here was well off enough to enjoy playing with such trivial things.

Daily survival was all that Roy could manage, thank you.

A blinding flash stole his mind.

The ground jumped beneath his feet, and he widened his eyes. He heard glass clinking upon glass, the rough groaning of the very walls as they reluctantly moved. He wanted so much to run from the unsettling noises and vibrations.

Then, in a hush of silence, it all stopped.

His muscles ached from sustaining at crouch he had balled himself into. In the growing grey, he could make out light shadows. Basic shapes. The curve of his forearms first, as he held them protectively over his head. Then the comforting straight edges of the walls.

He had time to let out a breath before faint sirens began wailing in the distance. His glance towards the window revealed that the sky was on fire.

Sent via a stray supercharged nano particle of unobtainium....

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