
Saturday, August 6, 2011


Today, I woke up in the garage.

I gazed a while at the shadows, slumped and sweaty, tracing the rafters with my eyes. The tiniest shift of my hand moved the rest of whatever I was on, and by the sloshing sound beneath my ear, I soon worked out that I lay on a water mattress.

Only I had no idea how I had gotten there. And. Frankly. As lazy as I am, it was too stinking hot for even me to sleep any longer.

I turned my head and narrowed my eyes. The massive wooden door where the front is was gone, leaving a gaping maw wide open. Sunlight, all cheery and yellow, filter in through an area which I had mistaken for high set windows for some reason. Even in the shadows I could tell a gob of mattresses blocked the space up like a log jam.

I got up and moved one aside. It wasn't easy to do, as there was hardly any give the to thick padded behemoth. I opted to shimmi my way through between the layers, making my way into the hot summer sun much like a worm would through wet soil. I wish I could say it was easy going, but it wasn't. The heat, my grumbling belly, and sticky sweaty skin combined until I worked myself into a rotten foul mood.

I poked my head up to the last of the thick layers with a snarl. It was a rusted carcass of metal wires and coiled springs, stripped of its quilting. It reminded me much of the decayed skeleton of some ancient beast.

But beyond it was a sight the sent my stomach plunging to icy depths.

Shambling along, with rotten skin clinging to bones were things that weren't supposed to move. Zombies, my heated brain whispered, and I spied a few with shiny bits in place of arms. One even had a sheet of metal bolted roughly where his chest should have been, and the gory mess clamored across the long drive way.

Great. Robot zombies, my brain corrected.

I took in a startled breath as one, with bone tiped fingers and raw meat for a face, looked right at me. Eyes wide, I scutttled back as he swept his reaching hand a might too close for my comfort to my face.

Granted he was ten feet away, but that was close.

They moaned and groaned for hours, but the mattresses proved an effective barrier as I cowered low in a spider infested corner of the heated dark.
Sent via a stray supercharged nano particle of unobtainium....

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