Inlandia Workshop.
If you were to take a spiritual journey, where would you go.
Laws are being considered to outlaw it. A humble garden based on aquaponics. But still I continue on my way, regardless of the cries of nags in the distant halls. It uses less water than they always assume, and is truly home to more than myself.
It is a small place, my sanctuary. Here, I am always reminded of my humble place in the world.
I cultivate the sun and let the pooled water babble beside me. Stubborn life thrives in a nearly lifeless place because of my efforts, and dies because of my mistakes. I never need to go far to feel a part of things bigger than myself, which is how it should be.
Where does your writing start.
My voice my take Crash bang god gotta put something down. Maybe it will make sense maybe it won't.
This Frank Miller is certainly NOT the Frank Miller of comic book fame, though that in itself would be interesting if it were.
Super duper macho dude that worships at the alter of all things extreme testosterone running a simple inn. Ha! Like that would happen. Lots of explosions battles and blood. Think the movie "The 500".
Need a crowbar to hook it under, pry both of those personalities apart.
Looking at the ancient photos, I realise I know nothing about where I grew up at all. The Inn is obviously central to so many things built here. Connected in a way that I had never considered. Things I've passed by or driven over an never questioned. I just assumed it the quirks of someone with far too much money and too little imagination.
I have many questions tickling my brain, and I am not entirely sure of where to begin. Maybe I should just toss the whole shebang out the window. History smishtory.
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