It was most definitely a grisly site that painted the pale soil a rusty red. He wrinkled his nose at the stench as he looked it over, then squatted down and leaned his elbows onto his knees, careful. Very careful not to touch a thing.
"Well?" Called out voice, sharp in its impatience.
"Well what? Just got here." He replied evenly. He narrowed his eyes, then tilted his head slightly as he continued his examination of the bloody heap before him.
Black swarms of flies buzzed their way through the air, clearing from a misshapen, and reddish lump. He heard a sharp intake of breath, followed by a the retching sound of a sick of the one far behind him.
"I. I just want it gone."
"Uh-huh." He said in noncommitedly. "Will be as soon as we find out who it is."
"What? I. I thought it was a..I dunno.. Sheep or.."
"Well it's not." He said as he rose to his feet. "Human. Least it used to be. That part there with the..?"
He glanced over his shoulder, and saw the well dressed man, the representative of his benefactor. Pale face scrunched in his distress, bent over his knees with his nose pointedly stuffed into the crook of his velvet draped arm. Glad of his own hard earned toughened guts, he decided to change what he was going to say, softening the hard facts before him.
"..looks to once've been a goat. A mighty big 'un."
"You mean to tell me it's a.." The man's muffled voice if horrified by some notion. "It's a..a..ver.."
He knew this line of thought, as was very prevalent to those who carved meger living staying amongst the ruins of what came before. Vermen. Supposedly a mix of a man and something else.Really nothing more than phantom to be feared -- often invoked by exaperated elders to bring errant children into line.
Not wanting to indulge the frilly thin man's ridiculous, wild imaginings, he snapped.
"I just told you what it is! As for how?" He shrugged, and slipped his hands into his coat pockets as he strode away from the mess. "Likely a grizzly come down from the hill." He saw the man's eyes widen in alarm. He then added more sharply than he knew he should have as he passed near the man. "Not a name to be concerned with. Just a BEAR."
"A bear." The frilly man repeated darkly, then oddly added, as if the animal were a capable villain. " A mere bear can dare. Do ..t-this? Here?!?"
He took a deep steadying breath against the impending lunacy, and prompted. "Your hospitality is welcomed, however, my people will wish to trade as soon as possible. When, exactly, I can expect to see his excellency..?"
"Oh... Um." The frilly man interrupted, stammering. "I shall let him know of your request as soon as. This. Is thoroughly disposed of."
He frowned as he glared at the man. "I'm not from here. You can't seriously expect me to..I told you this is a human being.. don't know..."
"Do. Your fair service for his excellency." The frilly man said with a wave as lifted his head high. "Not one tick sooner will the audience be granted. Until then, your.. People.. Shall have to continue their wait in our ..comfortable.. accommodations."
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