A time when you remembered your sense of humor.
At first pattering of rain that splashed against the window, I arrived to work. Relieving the watchman of his duties, I read the passdown log of the events that I had missed from the previous day, my mind filled with hope that I could avoid calling the clerk for any truck; she and I had mutually agreed we did not like one another since the day I started.
Then, I noticed the piles paper, with the stickit notes slapped on top. All demanding that the be redone for one reason or another. They were all work done by me, and only by me for the previous two weeks.
I was singled out as inadequate, though I well know the entire thing was laughable. One can never be an inadequate security guard, unless one had been caught. Caught, mind you, sleeping while on post.
It did not take long to remember why such occurrence had graced me that night. The previous night was Halloween, and I had refused to come in early as I wished to enjoy the night.
Apparently I had angered the newest post commander with a god complex, and he had to come in early instead.
Then a truck came in. And I snickered at it all. Thinking, what a stupid job I had. I picked up the phone and began the unpleasantness of the day; working in a little metal box during a thunderstorm for minimum wage.
Another day in paradise.
Prompt-- a messed up culinary experience.
I was really looking forward to enjoying all that 64 ounces of total caffeine sugar ice cubes swimming in a truly sweet brownish bubbly fountain of happiness.
the diet impostor soon flew out the window and splashed the pavement.
Prompt -- dog point of view
I smell it. Way up there where I can't reach. She tells me no, and so I wait. I reach up into her lap, nuzzle her hand. She pushes me away and down. Man I'm bored.
Prompt -- mission inn picture
He stood and looked down at the woman, and received the medal she offered from her outstretched hand. Then glanced up at the sudden flash of light.
The camera moved off and he glared down at his reward. He found himself somehow disappointed. He had won the race and found the simple contest was far too easy a victory. But now that it was over, what was to happen now? Would the loser, always a proud man, kick him out of his company for the humiliation of proving his boast wrong?
He looked over at the greying man as he too received his token from the woman, smug face set in an expression of superiority.
"Come," The man said. "Drinks, as it were, are on me."
Sent via a stray supercharged nano particle of unobtainium....
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