
Friday, April 22, 2011

Clang..! Continued..part 6

A/n: felt bad about leaving ms jones and chief smith wandering in the dark. So I set aside the "wax paper" piece in favor of updating their little adventure.


"You said there are others...more..?" She heard herself say.

Chief Smith sucked in a cheek.

"Ye--ap." He scowled as he looked to the floor. "They..uh.. ain't all, y'know. Like us. Promise me not to stab anyone..?"

Her hands felt too empty, and she flicked her eyes about the ground. As swiftly as she visually swept the broken concrete, a fluttering butterfly of sheer panic quickened her pulse. The precious knife was not where she could easily see, and with a horrible realization she was certain her only defense had utterly vanished. She stared off beyond the beast to the familiar broken wall, and thought that the darkness never felt so heavy. Worse, she suspected that some rather sharp and unpleasant teeth were hidden within its all concealing folds.

She was getting nowhere this way, she knew, and took in a stuttering breath. A heartbeat passed. Perhaps two. The chief had been here longer, she reasoned, and slowly, the fluttering butterfly in her chest stilled.

Cecilia swallowed, and climbed to her feet. She tore her eyes from the quivering whimpering beast before her and looked to Chief Smith as she fisted her empty hands and frowned.

"As long as none of 'em crushes me beneath them, then yeah." She said tightly. "Deal?"

He narrowed his eyes as he watched her. Then tilted his head towards the looming darkness.

"Come on then. I'll introduce ya."

Sent via Blackhole

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